Saturday, June 16, 2007

Costa Rica

Squawk! Hola. Squawk! I am Terry Toucan and I will be writing the blog this week because Alan is to busy sleeping in his hammock. Squawk!
Alan spent a lot of his time in Costa Rica on the beach. Squawk! In Montezuma and Mal Pais, where he fell off his surfboard again. Squawk! Squawk!

Alans sister, Pam, came over to visit. Squawk! They went ziplining through the cloud forest in Montezuma, and he made her go on a ridiculously long bike ride around a lake. Squawk!
They stayed in some fancy accomodation at Rancho Margot, to celebrate his 30th birthday, on a sort of self sufficient eco farm, where I, Terry Toucan live. Squawk!
Squawk! On their last night at Volcano Arenal they took blurry photos of lava rocks spewing from the volcano. Squawk! Squawk! Alan is heading north soon, to Nicaragua or somewhere like that. Till next time. Squawk! Squawk!