Friday, August 11, 2006

Chile, Pucon

Hola Chicos y Chicas.
I arrived in Chile last night and it is indeed very Chilly. I am thinking that the fake O´Neill beanie hat I bought from the market and wear constantly, may look very stylish, but has all the thermal head warming properties of a damp sock.

I am kicking around downtown Pucon- awaiting for the mountain to open which seems to be closed because of too much snow or something like that. But the forecast is looking good for Monday, so soon enough I should be snowboarding down the side of an active volcano. Andean skiing has many drawbacks - like slow skilifts, inconsiderate weather, dodgy bus services. But it makes up for it with dramatic resorts. So if an avalanche doesn´t get me, the lava will. Nice!

1 comment:

Alan said...

Sorry Sarah. Nelly had to stay at home for this one due to baggage restrictions. But don{t worry, I am sure he will resurface on future ski trips...