Friday, December 15, 2006


Well Im in Brasil now where it is all sophisticated and they have proper shops and stuff and am enjoying the modern world very much. Hey but lets have a few more photos from crazy old Bolivia, one last time. Mostly transport related. Funny that.

Crossing Lake Titicaca, on the way to Copacabana. They unload the passengers and put them on a less precarious boat, before sending your bus across on this wobbly barge.

Yes, the woman in Bolivia do like to wear bowler hats. No, I don´t know why. Although I think it is something to do with some salesman who had a spare shipment of very small hats, and told the woman of Bolivia that it was all the rage to where them in Paris and Milan, and hey presto, a fashion craze was born.

Every Taxi in Cochabamba is right hand drive. Nothing odd about that you might think, except that they rip the steering wheel out of the dashboard and then stick it on the other side! The speedo doesnt work, but the mile-ometer and the clock are fully functioning.not sure why they bother fitting the ignition since there are about 20 loose cables hanging down you could easily bypass the starter.

Not sure if you can make out the spark in the photo, but here is me holding a lit stick of dynamite at the Potosí mines. What other country in the world has a tourist attraction where you get to play with lit dynamite. 5 seconds after this photo was snapped, the trusty guide/psycho grabbed the dynamite ran off 200m and buried it in the sand, so we could stand back and hear it go boom. Fantastic!

It is common for buses to put the destination in the front window. So who knows where this one was going? But hey who cares, I always prefer to take a bus that says. "AIR WOLF, BRYAN ISRAEL" in the front window over one that says "Downtown" or "Croydon"And finally staying on the transport theme, who needs BP garage when you can just pick up your fuel from a woman in a street selling it out of plastic bottles. Cool. Can I get my greenshield stamps with that, thanks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Mr Alan

As I was diligently scribbling out the Xmas cards, realised you are of no fixed abode.. So Merry Xmas & Happy (and from the look of it - safe) New Year

Mr & Mrs Richie