Friday, January 12, 2007


In 1957, the founder of modern Brazil and lead singer of FunkPop combo Jamiroquai, Juscelino Kubitschek (known as JK to his friends) decided it was time to build a new capital city with the assistance of his architect buddy Oscar Niemeyer.

JK:"So Oscar, lets build a funky new capital"
ON:"Groovy where shall we build it, somewhere near Rio and Sao Paulo would be convenient for business, or perhaps we could put it on the coast"
JK:"Oh you visionless fool, we shall build it in the centre of the country, in the cemetrical astral-centre of the country, you cant run a futuristic Utopia from the beach"
ON:"er wont it be sweltingly hot and inconvieniently far from everywhere else? Well you are the Boss, so what shall we call it?"
JK:"Hows about Milton Keynes?"
ON:"Thats already taken."
JK:"Shame. Ok lets call it Brasilia"
ON:"Good idea, so for my part, can I lay out the shape of the city in the shape of a crashed aeroplane, and make the congress building out of 2 big domes (one upside down) with some inner-peace significance, oh and make really big wide highways and space everything a long way apart, so taxi drivers will make a killing. Can I give all the areas of the city wacky names like Urban-SuperQuadra-Resitendial-Zone-3, and make people feel like they are robotslaves and stuff."
JK:"Sure thing, do whatever you want, just make sure all the buildings are white, and it is so futuristic looking, that it will seem hilariously dated in 20 years time. Oh and make sure it goes billions over budget and you use my brothers contracting firm. Cheers"
ON:"Ok lets get started. Hey and JK, your last album was rubbish...."

So er that was Brasilia, most of the above is true. Time to leave this place and go back to the beach for a bit....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If only Milton Keynes had such an inspired beginning! Rather than "Right where didn't the Germans bomb?"

Mr Richie